Friday, 22 February 2008

Jagged Edge - Rock Cafe - Feb 2008 - ALTERNATIVE VIEW!


Just for once, my good lady disagrees with me and would like her own say!

M'lords, ladies and gentlemen - MrsD will now take the floor...

Hi all! This may well be the only time I'm allowed to air my views here, so I'll make the most of it !

Recent conversation chez Tommy:-

T: What would you like for Valentine's Day darling?
L: A holiday somewhere hot - oh, and a private gig with the band please!

With his usual efficiency, my other half quickly organised my first request, and when we walked into the Rock Cafe I thought he had also granted my second. We were greeted by the band, the crew and just a few choice friends. However it was not to be, and the crowds duly arrived. From my front row seat, with the masses behind us, I could still pretend!

Now somewhere back in the mists of Jagged Edge history it was decreed that there is a certain protocol to be observed. The first set is all about listening to the music and appreciating the talent on stage (fair enough, except that my feet still feel that Higher Place should be in the second set). The second set - and this is where I feel as though I missed out -is for audience participation. In other words, DANCING, actively encouraged by the band. However on Thursday, the audience - with one exception - failed to make it onto the floor, despite DB's entreaties. The exception - a mad/sad/drunk (please delete as appropriate) individual, reeling around the floor, and often over the band. She first made her presence felt by spilling her drink down my (new) boots. Not a good start, I wasn't impressed.

Reeling from side to side, she invaded the band's territory, at one point almost climbing onto Alan's drum kit! Joining her on the dance floor was NOT an option, so me and like minded (ie waiting for the chance to dance) friends sat and quietly fumed.

Overall review of the evening - the band performed with their usual magnificence (Danny , you amaze me every time, DB - if you ever want someone to shake that tambourine, I'm your girl), but I can't help feeling short changed. I've put my dancing shoes away until next time - roll on Barnsley Trades!

Thank you one and all for indulging me in this little rant, but it had to be said. Till next time.......

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Jagged Edge - Rock Cafe - Feb 2008

We arrived unusually early at the Rock Café to find the guys soundchecking Hotel California. I suppose with Bon Jovi turning into an Eagles tribute act on their last album it was inevitable that the Jaggies would go the same way.

The crowd was slow to arrive, but by kick-off the place was reasonably busy. The Rock Café doesn’t seem to get as much passing trade as it used to – the young, beautiful people seem to prefer the delights of Queen and Cross Church Streets these days - but that means that all but a handful of those present are there to see the band. This should be a good thing.

The sound was as good as the venue permits so, although the first set was fairly standard content-wise, it was very enjoyable. Dann was complaining that he couldn’t hear his monitor, but we’d never have known – the Miss A Thing and Comfortably Numb solos were awesome, as always.

Comment from DB which might or might not have been serious – Eloise as a potential new track. Is he going goth on us? If he dyes his hair black then I’m going to start watching Band Of Oz…

Second set had a few decent surprises; former Jaggie (and now Storm) drummer Neil sat in on Summer of ’69, but DB was stood up by Ian Roper so had to do the vocals himself.

Annoyed at not getting to sit down and watch for five minutes, DB then surrendered the mic to wee Jo Shorten for Sweet Child O' Mine. Good stuff.

Unheard in ages, the Sweet’s (Love is Like) Oxygen got an airing then the Whitesnake slot was filled, not by Gimme All Your Love Tonight, but by Is This Love? And it was great. And I’m sure someone suggested that recently…

Big Dave was on blisteringly entertaining form. Terrific vocal on Separate Ways (he’s really made that song his own) and blew the roof off with the encores as usual. All this despite having consumed an industrial quantity of alcohol.

Ah, alcohol. Some folk just shouldn’t touch the stuff. It’s my other quibble with the Rock Café as a venue – that’s not a dance floor, it’s the main thoroughfare. This annoys the missus because she can’t have a decent bop. It annoys me because pissed birds who are old enough to know better spend the night spilling beer on me, banging into me and generally getting in my way.

How's the hangover, Amy?